Caz Hates Your Eyes

Caz Williams was struck with inspiration while listening to the soundtrack of the movie Drive.

"I realized that the script used on the poster reminded me of the font the Lightning used during the early nineties," Caz writes. The poster also utilized black, cyan and magenta which is where this unusual color scheme originated.

Don't really think there's anything left to say. But how can you not just stare at this?

Black Sharks

Today, Jake Miller presents an alternate take on an alternate jersey for San Jose.

Minor Adjustments

Sometimes it doesn't take much. These minor adjustments by Bastian Schmülling mix modern colors with retro striping for the New Jersey Devils. It's not a big difference, but it's pretty sharp.

Blues By Hand

Everyone's favorite analog artist, Morgo Uxbridge, has a new take on the St. Louis Blues. And because the Blues are pretty much perfect already, he didn't have much to fix.

Super Sabres

How could the Buffalo Sabres improve their uniforms? There are a number of ways. Lucas Daitchman presents a few possibilities of his own today.