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No Word On Ducks' Jerseys?

We've managed to go this long without hearing anything from the Anaheim Ducks regarding the unveiling of their new uniforms so I'm not anticipating a big announcement.

However, Anaheim was the only team left not yet in the sidebar countdown so I added them for this Thursday, September 13. The reason being they have their first preseason game then and will likely be wearing them. So while we may get no unveiling ceremony, I expect we'll see them on that date.

As a side note, I just wanted to mention that I'm working on a Rbk EDGE FAQ because there seems to be a handful of people with inaccurate information. Just to clear everything up, I'm going to put all the facts in one easy-access post. Hopefully I'll have that up tonight at some point.

One big thing that seems to be misunderstood: Teams will be wearing darks and home and whites on the road this season. I don't know if that will change in the future, but that's how it stands now.