Belfast Giants

Our International Sunday series has returned, though slightly modified. Instead of featuring national teams from around the world, we're looking at individual clubs from various leagues outside North America.

Today's set from David Pooley takes us to the U.K.'s Elite Ice Hockey League — home of the Belfast Giants. The Giants, in fact, are the EIHL's 2014 champions, as you can see in this photo meant to illustrate their existing uniforms.

Belfast Giants via Facebook

Belfast Giants via Facebook

Ram Pride

Back in March, Virginia Commonwealth University unveiled new logos for its athletic program. Jake Miller has implemented them here in new hockey uniforms. VCU's club team has a Facebook page but the most recent photos are from 2012. At least there's something to compare this with. What do you think?

An American Birthday

Today is the United States' 238th birthday. Go America! (Or something.) In honor of that, how about a little something patriotic for the Concepts page? And what's more patriotic than Texas? Brian Brideau presents a recolored version of the Dallas Stars' new uniforms.

Original Six Showdown, Part 2

The Blackhawks and Rangers are featured in the second part of Nick Burton's 3-part Throwback Thursday miniseries. What would you think of the Hawks wearing something like this to the 2015 Winter Classic in D.C. next season?

King of Jerseys

This one has been sitting in my inbox for a few years now. But now seemed like a great time to showcase a retro-inspired look for the L.A. Kings. Matthew Duke created three jerseys and a logo all based on the club's own history — yet with a new feel all its own.