Land of Green & Gold

What do you think of Thierry Dick's simplified color palette for the Minnesota Wild?

Silver Seven For a New Century

A hundred years ago, the original Ottawa Senators were an unstoppable hockey force. Here, John Elbertson gives today's team the tribute treatment — with bonus Stadium Series and Heritage Classic jerseys!

That's So Flint

Flint, Michigan is getting a new OHL team next season. Earlier in the year there was speculation the team might be named for a fictional basketball team called the Flint Tropics from a Will Ferrell movie. We even saw a Tropics concept back in February.

But what Dylan Alexander offers up today is a thing of pure beauty. He didn't just design a Tropics logo. He designed several. He didn't just design a Tropics jersey. He designed several. And if all that wasn't enough, he's got merchandise and a center ice paint job for Flint's Perani Arena.


Keystone Stadium Series II

At the beginning of the year, David Parkinson treated us to his idea for a Pennsylvania-centric Stadium Series game. Now a few months later, same teams, new designs.


I'm not sure Nick Burton has ever been featured on a Freak Out Friday, but this particular concept has me worried. The Islanders are reportedly preparing a black Brooklyn-inspired third jersey for next season — I just hope it doesn't look like this.