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Looking To The Future

The NHL Tournament of Logos is winding down but don't worry, it won't be over even when it's over. There's still the Championship Tournament where we'll pit the best of the East against the best of the West. That will be the ultimate decider of whose logo is really the best. Who will be able to stand up to the stiff competition in this marathon tournament.

I see a handful of you have voted in the poll I recently placed on the sidebar. I'm glad to see that. I'm also glad to see that no one has voted "no" so far. That's appreciated. Just so you know — if you're interested — I am working on a plan to implement a polling system for this site.

It likely won't be sorted out until after this tournament ends, but just so you know, there will be plenty to come. In future "mini-tournaments" I'll take random logos (secondaries and third jersey logos included) and place them in 16-team elimination grids and determine overall winners in a Stanley Cup playoff style competition (except not best-of-seven as that would not work). I may even go back in time and grab logos from teams that no longer exist. The sky's the limit, right?

Anyway, those are just some ideas I'm throwing around at the moment. If you have any suggestions for me, I'd love nothing more than to hear them. Drop me a line in the comments section and I'll certainly respond.

As a side note, it has come to my attention that I have a typo — I put "wade made" instead of "was made" — but unfortunately once votes have been cast I cannot make any changes to it. So there my typo will stay until I take the poll down. It pains me deeply but it is sadly out of my hands.