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Penguins Unveil Third Jersey!

The Pittsburgh Penguins unveiled their third jersey tonight! At the time I"m writing this, however, there are no pictures available on the team's web site.

I'm told the new sweaters are identical to what the Pens wore for last season's Winter Classic and I've even got a couple of pictures to share with you.

A reader sent these in this morning saying Dick's Sporting Goods had already put them on sale as of today — this, prior to the Pens' official unveiling.

Thanks to Loren for the pictures.

The only difference I can see from the Winter Classic jerseys is a slight boldening of the outline on the sweater numbers. Otherwise, the striping and shoulder yoke appears to be the same. Looks like whoever said it was going to be different was trying to throw us off.

I'll update this post later tonight when more pictures are available.