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It's not much, but this map gives you a look at how the teams are spread out. Oddly, before making this map, it never occurred to me how close the Blue Crabs and Sentinels actually are, geographically. Also that both Texan teams use three shades of green and red as an accent. We might need to do something about both of those issues next summer. We're probably going to expand the league by two teams as well. I think northern California and Pennsylvania will be on the short list for sure. 

Don't forget to pan around the map to see the Huskies all the way up in Anchorage.

And for what it's worth, I've placed each of the map markers on the arena where a hockey team in each given market might theoretically play — or actually does, in many cases. Regina and Anchorage probably wouldn't survive in a major league.

On Sunday afternoon I'll be notifying those who were selected to own teams this sesason. Once everyone is confirmed, I'll make an announcement here on the site. Good luck to everyone who entered!