Glimpses of a New Calgary Sweater

New logo found through Canada's trademark office

I know I've been ignoring the blog a bit lately, but I'm pretty excited about the new Jersey Galleries I've been putting together. Time now, though, to get caught up on some Flames news.

The Calgary Flames will officially unveil their new third jersey on Sunday afternoon at Flames Fest. Earlier this month, of course, it leaked. Then last week, the Flames revealed a sneak peek in-arena video. But the fun continues.

Up top you can see the new third jersey shoulder patch design in all its detailed glory — rather than just the video game rendering from before. This is possible thanks to the diligence of a blog called SportsDocuments. Writer James Gordon tracked down the new mark via the Canadian Intellectual Property Office website.

In fairness, the logo depicted there is actually black and white, like this.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

All I did was fill in the colors based on what we saw in the NHL 14 leak. I can't link you directly to the filing, but if you search Calgary Flames, you should be able to find it. Gordon also pointed out that no other new logos — including the jersey's crest — could be located via the CIPO website at this time. I found that to be the case as well.

It's an interesting mark. Like I've said before, it's like nothing the Flames have used before. Could it be a sign of a new creative direction for the team? Or a simple one-off for a special uniform?

Flames still determined to offer sneak peeks

The jersey has leaked and the Flames themselves have shown a lot of bits already by way of that in-arena video. But regardless, they are continuing to share little "sneak peek" photos via Twitter. They've shown four in the last two days and, presumably, there are more to come before Sunday.

Here's a graphic that shows everything they've tweeted so far.

Calgary Flames (via Twitter)

The first, showing the sleeve or waist stripe or shoulder yoke where the black and red meet, came down Wednesday afternoon. Later that evening came the close-up of the waist with the thin yellow stripe. All stuff we've seen before.

Thursday morning brought a better look at the nameplate — specifically the one on the jersey of Curtis Glencross. Later in the afternoon came another angle, but this time on Mark Giordano's. (UPDATE: As a reader pointed out, this is probably all Glencross. Don't know why I keep assuming Giordano.) And that's where we stand at the time of this writing.

I'll update this post as the Flames release new images. But the main event will be Sunday when the whole thing should be revealed — and then added to the NHL 2013-14 Jersey Gallery. See how we came full circle?

Got any thoughts on the new details we've seen here? Has your gut reaction to the leak changed at all?