NHL reveals 2017 Winter Classic logos!

A gathering was held this morning at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, site of the 2017 NHL Winter Classic. There the NHL unveiled the logos that will be used as the Blues and Blackhawks meet under the Gateway Arch.

The new Winter Classic logo has a distinctive style that seems to separate it from Winter Classic logos of the past. That said, the design is another product of Fanbrandz and their long-time partnership with the NHL.

By the way, if you head over to the agency's blog you can not only read about the design process but see some of the artwork that didn't make the cut. There are some great alternatives in there but it's clear they made the right call in picking the logo they did.

In addition, the individual team logos were on display today, perhaps giving a hint to what the jerseys might look like. It'd be hard to imagine the Blues going with anything other than their original sweater from 1967.

As for the Blackhawks, this being their fourth outdoor game in as many years, it's a little harder to guess. The logo is definitely from the 1950s but the jerseys from that era are what they wore for the 2015 Winter Classic in Washington, D.C. Usually we see something different.

That being said, the Blues tweeted a photo of specially-designed Winter Classic goalie masks this morning. Their designs may offer clues. Or not.

Jake Allen's mask clearly uses the same striping seen on the old 1967 jerseys. Like I said, I'd be surprised if we see anything different. But it also makes me think the Blues could wear white jerseys — unusual for the home team.

Then again, the Jets will wear white at home for the Heritage Classic. Is there something more brewing here? Could the NHL be switching back to white jerseys at home for the first time since 2003? Will they do it this fall or wait until Adidas takes over next year?

The Hawks mask, on the other hand, is more interesting. It's black and white with accents of red. Could they be considering throwback sweaters from the 1920s or '30s? That would surprise me. But we'll find out when we find out.

I'll wrap up with a look at Winter Classic logos through the ages — from 2008 to now.

By the way, today was a busy day in the hockey logo universe. The AHL's Lake Erie Monsters changed their name and the San Jose Sharks unveiled new secondary logos that won't be seen on any uniforms next season. These stories will get separate blog posts to come.