Golden Sabres

Happy Friday the 13th! On a day like this, I think the best thing I can do is offer up a yellow Buffalo Sabres jersey. And Jody Willard is only too happy to provide that for us. Enjoy.

Southwest Style

The Coyotes wanted to simplify when they changed their logo in uniforms in 2003. It turned out to be an overcorrection that was finally adjusted this season. But Jody Willard wonders why the old Kachina striping had to go. Here he offers a mix of old and new. 

Fiery Freak Out

You know what the Calgary Flames jerseys need? More flames. Jody Willard has the solution on this Freak Out Friday.

Wild Lights

It's Friday so you came here fully prepared to be freaked out. Mission accomplished. Jody Willard puts it like this: "Here is a concept if the Wild were around in the '90s. [sic] Based on the [L.A. Kings] Burger King [third jersey] mixed with the Northern Lights."


Minnesota fans might take pause, but this would be an awesome third jersey for the Dallas Stars. What do you think of Jody Willard's 1989 throwback?