The WHA Collection

Dallas Kirkpatrick has something special for us today. He writes:

I've been working on a project for a while now, recreating WHA jerseys. I decided to create 14 sets in total. My idea is that this might be what the jerseys looked like if the league were rebooted today — and I've purposely left out Quebec, Hartford, Edmonton, and Winnipeg as I've already done multiple concepts for these teams
I used all original logos (or variations thereof), and have stayed pretty close to the original color schemes in most cases. While I want to be creative, I wanted them all to be believable and based on something from the past.  A few of these designs have bold or outlandish design traits that probably wouldn't be used in real life, but hey, it's the WHA.

WHA Resurrection, Part 3

Today wraps up Colin Magee's three-week series on the WHA. What if it were revived today? What would the teams and their jerseys look like?

Which of Colin's 15 designs has been your favorite?

Four for the WHA

A while back I ran a series from Nick Burton looking at what WHA teams might look like if they were still around today. Today we get another set, this time from Bastian Schmülling. Click on each concept to enlarge.

0578: The WNHL Series Finale

The last team in Nick Burton's WNHL series — a fictional Women's National Hockey League — hails from the Canadian capital, Ottawa. Here's what Nick has to say about the design:

Ottawa Nationals — The nation's capital takes the name Nationals to show its pride. It drops the black from the Senators scheme to give the team a more classic look. The logo is a maple leaf, with a sublimated Peace Tower inside the leaf. The maple leaf used for the logo is the same from the old Nationals team of the WHA, just updated.

0445: A Neat WHA Trio

Let's blow up WHA Week with not just one or two concepts but three from the prolific Bryan Dyck! Today, he shares his take on the Ottawa Nationals...

...the Houston Aeros (before the AHL team assumed the name)...

...and the Toronto Toros (or Birmingham Bulls depending on the year), who used to be the Nationals. Full circle. Bryan actually did more than just these teams in his own WHA series, but I thought three was enough for today. Tomorrow we get another taste of this — a prolific concept artist with a trio of WHA jerseys.