Spaniards on Ice

This International Sunday takes us to a country not known for its love of hockey and a concept artist making his debut on Icethetics. Matt Roncone has created a brightly-colored uniform set for Spain. How about it?

California's Stadium Game Revisited

Avi Stein had a bit of a rethink on the jerseys worn for the Los Angeles Stadium Series game earlier this year. The league said Stadium Series jersey designs were about looking toward the future while the Winter and Heritage Classics were meant for looking back.

It seems to me Avi wanted to mix the two with this set. His jersey designs feel a bit more modern with obvious nods to history. What do you think?

Big Apple Freak Out

Jeremy Roney submitted this Rangers concept prior to the St. Louis-Callahan trade heard 'round the world. So that's not what makes it freaky. What does? How about the clashing blues? Hard not to like anything with that Lady Liberty logo, though I may be alone there.


March 30: Based on your feedback, Jeremy has updated his design with some alternate colors. Click through to see a new white version as well.

Desert Redesign

I've been responding this week to some Twitter requests I received on Sunday. Jacob Lazare wanted to see something new for the soon-to-be Arizona Coyotes and the talented Bastian Schmülling was happy to oblige.

Bastian's concept integrates elements of the Coyotes' original uniform from 1996 — one they're expected to wear for a night or two next season. He also made a simple update to the shoulder patch.

I think this would be a great uniform set for the Coyotes next season as it beautifully combines the two eras in their jersey history.

Modern Amerks

I decided to take requests from Twitter this week to determine which concepts to post next. I've been so inundated with great artwork it's been difficult to decide.

Mike asked to see a Rochester Americans design. Luckily, I've been hanging on to this one from Jason Devald. It's a very modern take on a very old team.

What do you think? Could it work as a specialty jersey for a few nights during the season?