Florida Mix

Brian Brideau has a really sharp mix of modern and retro for the Florida Panthers today.

Golden Knights and Red

Brian Brideau's prediction for the Vegas Golden Knights may be the most likely concept yet. His traditional design and use of red trim is almost exactly what I imagine the team will be wearing next fall.

Vegas By Brian

It's the end of Vegas Week on the Concepts page, but it's also Friday so I figured we could use something a little freaky. Brian Brideau imagines a Canucks V-style sweater for the Golden Knights above.

Below are a couple more options he sent along.

Freaky in Quebec

Two years ago, Brian Brideau tried to imagine a world in which Quebec broke away from Canada. What would Montreal's NHL club look like? Here's another. Happy Freak Out Friday!

Take a Bite

The Sharks' new secondary logos won't be worn on their jerseys this season — but maybe someday. To that end, Brian Brideau suggests a sharp option.