NHL 100 Classic Flashback

This Outdoor Saturday is a bit of a look back. Jacob Lazare tackles the NHL 100 Classic in hindsight with the jerseys he thinks the teams should’ve worn.

Bleu Canadiens

Every once in a while I like to toss out a blue Canadiens jersey just for fun. This time Ryan Christensen does the honors. It may go against tradition, but it’s not bad.

Freaky Summer

Chris Fortier let his mind wander a little and this is where he wound up — baseball uniforms for the Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs. How's that for a summer Freak Out Friday post?


Today's Freak Out Friday foursome comes from Felix Puchinsky, who takes a stab at making minimalist logos for some untouchable NHL identities.

Montreal Third

It's rare we see the Montreal Canadiens represented here because no one wants to mess with tradition. But that's what the Concepts page is all about. So here's Tristan Mani with a third jersey suggestion for the Habs that doesn't go against tradition at all.