Only in LA

Alan Su likes this Stadium Series logo for an alternate Los Angeles Kings jersey. What about you?

Nine Designs By Alan

Our most prolific artists are taking over this week with nine submissions each. Today we get a smattering of concepts from Alan Su, whose style is tough to pin down. He's not tied to any particular template and that frees him up to get wildly creative.

Detroit and Adidas

The Adidas concepts are coming in fast and furious these days. Everyone's excited to imagine what we'll get in terms of new NHL jerseys next summer. But for now, Alan Su is getting us prepared for what might be in Detroit.

Ranger Redesign

Alan Su is reimagining the timeless Rangers in the Age of Adidas.

Half and Half

Happy Friday from Alan Su! He imagines a future where the Ducks return to the wordmark but with a whole new aesthetic. As freaky as it is, I kinda like it.