Identity Swap: Devil Ducks

We have a new Identity Swap from Lucas Daitchman. This time he's crossed the New Jersey Devils with the Anaheim Ducks.

Faux Retro Devils

John Elbertson brings his talents to the New Jersey Devils today with a design that feels like it could've come right out of the 1970s. His original logo includes all three letters of the team's abbreviation — NJD. That's a nice bit of work.

Devils Reset

Time to showcase a rookie! Justin Mercer makes a memorable debut on the Concepts page today with an interesting new look for the New Jersey Devils.

An Unused Devil

When it was announced in 1982 that the Colorado Rockies would be moving to New Jersey, the press conference featured a logo that would never actually be used on the team's uniforms. Justin Brolley looks to change that with his latest submission.

Green and Red

A lot of people think the New Jersey Devils should go back to their classic green and red color palette. Alan Waldron is one of them and he presents his solution here.