Team Estonia

With the 2018 Winter Olympics around the corner, I thought we could start featuring some national team concepts. Jake Miller gets us going with a sharp look for Estonia — which interestingly enough could work just as well for the Tampa Bay Lightning.

A Century in 2026

In a few years the New York Rangers and Chicago Blackhawks will each turn 100 years old. In preparation for a 2026 NHL Centennial Classic between the two clubs, Cameron Ferguson put together this set. Not a bad look, actually.

Freaky Snowshoes

Johnny Woods was inspired to make snowshoes out of the Canadiens' primary mark. He even found a way to turn the classic "C" into an "M" for Montreal. 

Seattle Totems

As a Seattle resident desperate for an NHL team, I'm still not sure I can get behind the Seattle Totems moniker, but it's hard not to like this jersey set by Chris Fortier!

A Devils Fix

Nick Burton has taken a shot at fixing the New Jersey Devils' uniforms. It's really just the striping that needs some help and this retro design could be just the ticket.