Future in Phoenix

After hearing of the possibility the Arizona Coyotes are considering a rebrand for next season — in all likelihood it's just the jerseys and not the logos — Steven Reeves took a stab at redesigning the team's identity himself.

The Wild North

A year from now, the Minnesota Wild will be hosting their first outdoor game. I know the team isn't eager to bring back the North Stars look — which is part of Dallas' lineage — so this idea from Brian Brideau might be a nice compromise.

UPDATE · Mar 2 · I initially failed to mention that the logo used on this jersey was actually designed by Steven Reeves. Brian pointed that out in his original email, but it got lost along the way. Steven's credit has been added to the post.

0576: Just Add Green

If the Anaheim Ducks were ever looking for a new color scheme, Steven Reeves has positively nailed it. This is a great look. It brings together old and current elements as well as entirely new ones. This is one of my favorite designs of the last few weeks.