0395: Oiler Orange

At present the Edmonton Oilers have a third jersey vacancy. I know a number of Edmontonians would like to see an orange sweater reminiscent of those WHA days. And while this isn't the first time we've seen such a concept on Icethetics, I think Justin Wiltron brings one that could really work just as is. I'd vote for it.

0326: Sharks Get Justined

Justins. There are just so many. And now I'm giving them a whole week to themselves. Check out this grey San Jose Sharks concept sweater from Justin Wiltron. If any team can do a grey jersey, this is the one. And this is what they should go with.

0305: An Avalanche of Justins

Today we get a pair of Colorado concepts from a pair of artists both named Justin. Justin Cox provides new home and road jerseys for the Avalanche — which I like a lot better than the team's existing set.

And Justin Wiltron offers an alternate jersey. Together, these three would make a really nice set.

0292: Grizzly Gold

Ever since their Winter Classic appearance, I've always wanted to see the Boston Bruins bring back a gold third jersey. Here's a neat option from Justin Wiltron, which borrows the bear from the team's secondary logo.

0099: Two Ways to Use the Tomahawks

Today we're looking at some alternate jersey alternatives for the Chicago Blackhawks — both centered around the club's tomahawk-laden secondary logo. Brian Brideau's design actually doesn't use that logo directly, but rather a modified version that features the year of the team's founding. It could work great for a future Winter Classic what with the abundance of old-timey stripes and all.

Justin Wiltron's attempt is much simpler and to the point. Make it black and put the actual tomahawk logo on the front. Why hasn't this been done yet? It doesn't look bad at all. In fact, as Blackhawks jerseys go, I kind of like this one.