All Four All-Stars

It was a little disappointing to see the NHL go with two All-Star jerseys despite four teams participating in the new format. So what if they went with something like this set by Matthew Henderson? The black-vs-blue might be tricky, but the sleeve colors could help there.

0644: Turn Ahead the Freak Out

In the 2038-39 season, the Toronto Maple Leafs will take the ice wearing this jersey by Matthew Henderson. Or not. What do I know?

0479: Vancouver Green

The Vancouver Canucks are the subject of today's concept by Matthew Henderson. We were all thrilled to see the Dallas Stars switch to green last week. Should the Canucks do it as well?

0383: Where's the Bear?

The Wild are another team expected to slightly revamp their look in 2013. Could Matthew Henderson's concept be a peek at what's to come in Minnesota? I will say I don't like the alterations to the logos. It sort of removes all of the creativity.

0100: A Hundred Concepts and Counting...

When I relaunched the Concepts page earlier this year, who really thought I'd be able to keep it going for 100 straight days? I know I've been flaky about this aspect of Icethetics in the past, but clearly you guys are enjoying it and I've finally found a way to keep it fresh.

That said, hitting triple digits seems like a special occasion we should mark. In honor of that and the 2012 Stanley Cup Final about to begin, how about this...

Following the overtime victory that sent the New Jersey Devils on to the final round of the playoffs to face the Los Angeles Kings, Matthew Henderson had an idea. He emailed me this pair of mutant logos in the vein of Ross Taylor's recent Freak Out Friday series.

Sure, this concept might be better suited to Friday, but sadly there are no Fridays between now and the start of the last playoff series of the season. Plus, I didn't want to make you guys wait to see this. I think they're pretty clever and pretty funny.

But since this is a special occasion — and so as to ground this post in reality a little bit — here are some more normal concepts for the NHL's conference champions.

I've been hanging on to this concept from Matthew Beck for a while. It has a very cool soccer-y feel. I'd love to see an NHL team try an idea like this some time, but it is a little out there.

And from Chance Waddell we get a new iteration of a black alternate for the Devils that will probably never happen. I know, we're a bit put off by the lack of color in the Stanley Cup series this year and adding more black wouldn't exactly help the cause. Still, it is something I'd like to see New Jersey try in the future. You know, when black is cool again.